Monday, October 27, 2008

The Buettner blog

Wow, we've created a blog...without the assistance of our kids. Yet.

We hope this is a great way to stay in touch with our friends and family. We would love to hear from you!

Kim & Ralph


Katie said...

Wow! Great job mom! Now let's see if you can add our blog as one of your favorite links. Yours in on ours! I love you! :)

Buggie said...

Well, it's about time!!!

Now, here is something to mess with your mind. You can add Katie or me...or whoever you want to be able to post on the blog without having to need them sign in. Say if Katie has some family pictures to upload, you can allow her to do that through e-mail.

However, this is a GREAT step for you two!!!

Skooter said...

I have no room to talk. Tommy is the one that keeps up with my blog. Come "follow me"...