Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 2011

Sounds like January 2011 is going to go out with a storm. Blizzard is forecast after freeing rain and sleet tonite and tomorrow. Forecast is crazy. 1" of ice followed by who-knows-how-much snow. Weather maps showing 1-2 FEET of snow. Holy crap.

Remembering the last huge snow like this. Jan 30, 1982. Exactly 29 years ago. We had almost 2 feet of snow at our house. I have a great picture of Katie standing beside the huge mound of snow we shoveled from the driveway. She was 20 months old & looks terrified of that huge mountain of snow. Our street wasn't plowed for 5 days. Hope that doesn't happen this time. Of course, we may end up with no snow at all (wishful thinking!).

We have lots of projects to keep us busy this week, as long as we have electricity. I need to, once and for all, finish painting a cabinet for the powder room. But, first I have to draw & paint a fleur-de-lis on the cabinet doors. With absolutely no artistic ability, it should be interesting.  IF it turns out, we'll hang it & I'll take some pictures of our fun newly updated space.

Need to organize the craft/exercise room, add cabinet hardware I found at Home Goods for a total of $8 for 8 knobs. Let's hope they fit.

Supposed to be reviewing a couple kitchen plans from a couple of places this week. Was hoping to make a contractor decision this week. That too will be dependent upon the amount of ice and snow we get.  Hope we can get out to look at cabinetry and countertops this week. Woo hoo. Fun stuff.

Praying for our friend Barb's mom, Margaret.

1 comment:

Faith's Place said...

Hey Kim- I got your message about Germany! Yes, those pics were taken at Eidleweiss! You will love it there! Great resort and all sorts of things to do outside of the resort! ANd bring a's COLD there and it rains almost everyday! Have fun and enjoy your trip!